Friday 27 May 2011

Patch work part 2

My fabulous cowboy patchwork is starting to take shape! After I pinned strips of patches together I could start sewing, I started with the individual strips and then sewed the stripes together. You don't know if they will be straight intill you have sewn them and by then it is too late. There are few squares that are tiny milemetres out but I was expecting that and am quite pleased to have surprised myself by not being bothered by it, it adds character :)

I'm hard at still work - it has taken 4 hours to get this point!

I hope that in 100 years time someone will say - great grandma/auntie Em made that quilt from scratch at the turn of the 21st century. In my generation is quite rare to find people who like to sew or some of the otehr old fashioned hobbies I enjoy, although growing veg has made a massive come back! For me its about sanctification and a sense of pride, plus I love being quirky and living up to my hippy name :)

Atm I am awaiting on some more fabric for the centre piece and the rear patchwork which will be a plain motley.
Once I have made the monogrammed centre piece I'll attach it its neighbours, and sew the 3 sections together and then main patch work will be complete. After that I'll sew the embellishments and make the simpler motley rear patchwork, fix the wadding and then quilt the whole thing. After adding the trim it will be complete and hopefully ready in time for babies arrival :) I will keep you updated but want to share progress photos for now :) More update to follow!

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